Coral Bleaching is a Reality (Andaman’s)

Coral bleaching is a phenomenon where a coral turn white, the main reason for this is warming waters. Someone asked me if this coral bleaching thing was for real. So, let me put this straight “Yes” it is for real. The rise in our atmospheric temperature is also causing the temperature at sea to rise which is resulting is beaching. This event I recently witnessed on my dive adventure in Andaman Island.

What I saw over there was devastating. Most of the reefs were either gone or dying, bleaching was almost everywhere. Brown algae

Disappointed, I was too, but there is still hope. One my dives I also witness a coral farm where this person was growing staghorn coral and later would place them at different places. I also witnessed giant clams at an unusual location, some very large coral colonies, maybe they just adapted to the environment temperature. It will take years for the reefs to grow back, at least we have hope. Humans can contribute in two simple ways, firstly, control
Must Read: Cyphastrea or Stylocoeniella or Goniopora
It is as important as choosing an aquarium as well as a marine aquarium installation. The place where you put the aquarium should be especially sun-protected. Algae will form in the aquarium, which will be difficult for aquarium maintenance. You should always replace the aquarium in quiet and quiet areas. You should put the aquarium close to the water in your home.