Bird’s Nest Coral

Bird’s Nest Coral, scientifically known as Seriatopora also known as the needle corals is a Small Polyp Stony coral that grows into a densely intertwined like a nest of a bird. Much resembling

The Bird’s nest coral is not a very aggressive coral but advisable to keep distance while placing them with other corals. These corals feed mostly on the micro-plankton and present of zooxanthellae algae living inside them will provide nourishment via
Keeping a regular tab on the calcium, strontium, and other trace elements is a good habit. SPS corals are known to be difficult to maintain in the hobby. It is also being said that they grow faster compared to other SPS, that is what makes them pretty interesting coral for a home aquarium.
Must Read: Coral Bleaching is a Reality and Keeping Zoanthids Button Polyps Zoas