New Puffer from Northern Bengal, Chelonodontops bengalensis

Chelonodontops bengalensis is described from two specimens collected on the southwest coast of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. C. bengalensis is closely related to C. patoca both species being large puffers with a peculiar, disc-shaped exposed nasal organ. The new species however differs from Chelonodontops patoca.

Two specimens collected from local fishermen at Alorkol, near Dubla Island. Located in the south coast of the Sundarbans mangrove forest of Bangladesh in the northern Bay of Bengal. (Yellow Dot).
So the Chelonodontops bengalensis is at the fish collections of the Aquatic Bioresource Research Lab., Department of Fisheries Biology and Genetics, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Colour of Chelonodontops bengalensis specimens: Dorsal fin edge black, colour yellowish; fleshy. Pectoral fin transparent with slightly pinkish tinge; anal fin transparent with pinkish edge; dorsal and upper half of lateral sides of the body with spiral shaped whitish spots with greenish tinge; ventral side of the body whitish.
Most importantly complete set of papers are with researchgate.