Inexpensive RS-108A wave maker by RS electrical

This silent RS-108A wave maker by RS electrical gives out the max flow of 3000 L/H and consumes only of 6 Watt of power. We used this wave maker in different sizes of tanks up to three feet and it blows very powerfully. We definitely need flow, for this either we use powerful air pumps, water pumps or wave makers. Here is the old post on water movement.

RS-108A wave maker is under the range of Rs. 700/-(10 USD) makes this very suitable for our kind of nature. This does have its drawbacks but again can’t have everything. The size of the wave maker is compact about 4 inches just the head. Comes with suction cups and has no controllers the wave maker is set to it’s highest power. So with no control comes continues flow of wave in one direction. This unidirectional flow can further be changes by water pumps on the other side of the tank.

This RS-108A wave maker comes in handy in many situations when we require that extra flow and other control wave maker are very expensive for that short term blast. As this wave maker is not controlled and works on a very simple mechanics it starts pumping water backwards sometime so have to stop and restart the maker. Should keep this wave maker handy for situations, if ever required.
Risheng Electrical Products Co., Ltd is a China based company and offers huge range of products in the aquarium line from aquarium to pumps and skimmers. These wave makes are set to stage for this hobby to bring down the cost for running a hobby.