Hetereleotris semisquamata, Another New Goby From The Red Sea
ShaanJune 24, 2019
Hetereleotris semisquamata, The SemiscalyGoggle goby from the Red Sea, Southern Egypt, Shams Alam. The new goby is less than an inch in size and known only from reef flat of seaward reef at Shams Alam. The color of the head is white with bright brown line and dark brown band over eyes. Body is transparent white with broad, vertical, dark brown band below the first dorsal fin.
H. semisquamata, freshly collected specimen (S.V. Bogorodsky)
There is much more to the Hetereleotris semisquamata, if you are interested in knowing in depth the papers are available with Plazi.
Like always it's my day one in the hobby. Always been a hobbyist but never knew would dive so deep in the hobby. I too started with a freshwater aquarium. When I first started saltwater aquarium it just grew on me and I knew that had to do more in this hobby. I am a Post-Grad in Business Administration have worked with Coldstar Logistics, Amazon and Jindal's before jumping completely in the ocean. Other than aquarium hobby I have my interests in travel, digital games and consumer web technology.