Dendrochirus koyo, A new dwarf lionfish from Japan

Dendrochirus koyo is the new dwarf lionfish described based on a single specimen from 143 m depth off Chichi-jima Island, Ogasawara Islands, Japan. Dwarf lionfish are very popular in the aquarium hobby. These lionfish are very common to the Indian and Pacific Ocean. Know to our hobby as the aggressive type fish in the aquarium. Finding this fish in the deepest waters makes this an interesting specimen.

Based on the paper the new species is characterized by 7 anal-fin soft rays, 18 pectoral-fin rays, 10 dorsal-fin soft rays, 51 scale rows in longitudinal series, 3 barbels on the snout tip, and a K-shaped marking on the caudal peduncle.
With bird type looks dwarf lion are graceful but venomous. Dwarf lionfish are huge eaters and usually prefer to hunt and eat live food. Most of the Dwarf lions are reef safe but not invertebrate safe. Dwarf lions are usually kept with more aggressive tank mates usually preferred are the Triggers and Puffers.
Some of the popular Dwarf lionfish known in the hobby are Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish (Dendrochirus brachypterus) and Zebra Lionfish (Dendrochirus zebra).

These are widely available in most of the local marine fish stores. Will we be seeing Dendrochirus koyo in the aquarium trade is a far question as of now as found in the deep water could be a big issue.
The compete set of papers on Dendrochirus koyo are with Springer Link if you wish to read.
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