Luzonichthys kiomeamea is the newest Anthias from the mesophotic reefs of Rapa Nui. This fish is currently known only from Rapa Nui (Easter Island). Collected at a depth of 83 m in a rocky patch reef surrounded by a large sandy area. It was caught by hand using hand nets and transported alive to the surface in a perforated-plastic collecting jar for analysis. Now 83 m depth is twice the depth of recreational diving.
Luzonichthys kiomeamea in its natural habitat, 83 m, Hanga Piko, Rapa Nui (Easter Island), Chile (L.A. Rocha)
Luzonichthys kiomeamea is full of colors similar to most of the Anthias. The new Anthias has body color orange to red, silver to the bottom and yellow to the tail and fins. The phrase kio–meamea in Rapa Nui means “red fish that takes refuge in a cave”. The L. kiomeamea is less than 2 inches in length is described from a single specimen collected while diving using a mixed-gas, closed-circuit rebreather.
Like always it's my day one in the hobby. Always been a hobbyist but never knew would dive so deep in the hobby. I too started with a freshwater aquarium. When I first started saltwater aquarium it just grew on me and I knew that had to do more in this hobby. I am a Post-Grad in Business Administration have worked with Coldstar Logistics, Amazon and Jindal's before jumping completely in the ocean. Other than aquarium hobby I have my interests in travel, digital games and consumer web technology.