Hetereleotris aurantiaca, New Goby From The Red Sea

Hetereleotris aurantiaca, the Orange Goggle goby is the new goby discovered from the Red Sea, Jeddah, Obhur creek. The size of the new fish is less than an inch and known only from a depth of 14–16 m at a steep coral-reef sloping. The new goby has orange head with yellowish grey to pale brown markings. Body color is yellowish orange, with five faint, vertical, brown bands.
The only known specimen was collected at the entrance of small cave. The species name aurantiaca is the female form of Latin aurantiacus (meaning orange) and refers to the orange body of the species. Again discovering such a small fish in the open ocean is not easy as it seems. Such small species can easily go unnoticed.
There is much more to the Hetereleotris
Must Read: The red and white African Clown Wrasse, Coris gaimard!!