Scientists have discovered a new coral reef in the Adriatic Sea, Just near the town of Monopoli. The reef is about 2.5 km along and is mostly built by two stony corals Phyllangia americanamouchezii and Polycyathus muellerae. This is a first Mediterranean mesophotic coral reef and this reef is way beyond the reach of recreational diving. I don’t know how I missed this big news and that to be an unusually good one.
The study area. Location of the study area and schematic morphological and geological setting of the Monopoli area.
The analysis of the biological samples has revealed the presence of 153 taxa on the reef. 9 algal taxa, Porifera was 59 taxa, 10 species belonging to the classes Hydrozoa (1) and Anthozoa (9), 34 Polychaeta taxa, mollusc fauna had 19 living taxa and 22 bryozoan taxa.
The main mesophotic coral reef contributors. Bleached and in vivo coral colonies of Phyllangia americana mouchezii (left column: A,B) and Polycyathus muellerae (right column: C,D).
Mesophotic coral reefs are much deeper compared to the usual reefs found in the Indo-Pacific region. Lot of discoveries are now being made in the deeper reefs from fish to corals, So, can we state that the reefs are moving deeper due global warming and climate change or they were already present there we just happen to get the technology to go that deep.
Like always it's my day one in the hobby. Always been a hobbyist but never knew would dive so deep in the hobby. I too started with a freshwater aquarium. When I first started saltwater aquarium it just grew on me and I knew that had to do more in this hobby. I am a Post-Grad in Business Administration have worked with Coldstar Logistics, Amazon and Jindal's before jumping completely in the ocean. Other than aquarium hobby I have my interests in travel, digital games and consumer web technology.