Around the World [Monday Blues]
![Around the World [Monday Blues]-6-05-19](
A lot happens in the ocean and is recorded around the world. I find many interesting and knowledgeable. So, I share some of them with my readers. These are the stories happening all over the world. I always wanted to put every bit and piece which is scattered all over in one place. So, here Monday Blues for this week. Also, giving out links to reference would get you to the more in-depth of the story.
Tropical Reef Corals Are Moving Toward the Poles to Escape Climate Change

Climate Change is now a big factor for the reef’s survival, the new study shows that the coral reefs are moving towards the poles. The poles are much cooler compared to their current base. It is pretty much true if global warming keeps on happening at this rate. The now tropical region will no longer be tropical. Newsweek
Traces of Cocaine, Pesticides Detected in U.K. Shrimp

Cocaine, what? Is this the new way of transporting
Fishermen to get kits to measure dead rare fish

Mangrove Cell in India wants to collect data of fish that wash ashore before burying it to the ground. The Cell will provide morphometry kits to fishermen, who will measure the shape of the dead fish before burying it in the ground. The Cell would then be able to have some data on the death mystery. Mid-Day
A beluga whale or a Spy whale

A lot of stories and speculation have come out around the beluga whale claiming that its a Russian spy. Because it has a camera harness around it, now we are going to train marine life to act as a spy species. This can make a great movie in the future. The Guardian
Must Read: Around the World [Monday Blues] (29-04-2019)