Aquaconnect raises $1.1 Million for FarmMOJO

Aquaconnect by Coastal Aquaculture Research Institute Pvt. Ltd is a Chennai based start-up founded in 2017 as a full-stack aquaculture technology venture. They have developed a mobile application called ‘FarmMOJO’ which is an AI and predictive tool, that helps farmers to manage their aqua farms. On Wednesday Aquaconnect raised $1.1 million (Rs 7.78 crore) in a seed round of funding from impact investor Omnivore and accelerator HATCH. FarmMOJO is said to be a farm advisor mobile app for Shrimp farmers to improve farm productivity and traceability.

The founders of Aquaconnect are Mr. Somasundaram, an IIT Kanpur Alumnus,

Aquaculture driven by AI technology are steps towards sustainability and takes off the pressure from the ocean natural resources. I hope to see more in the aquaculture sector which would affect everyone directly or indirectly. One can connect to Aquaconnect on their official site and read more on the investment details on VCCircle.
Must Read: Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Aquaculture India Develops Live Feed